Management Commitment

Discover our Values and Behaviours


In 2010, we wanted to be a leader. In 2022, we are a recognized leader but, in the long term, we want to be a trusted partner, a sustainable company that creates value for the society and the environment in which it develops.

Management Commitment

Our values have been reformulated and clarified to respond to these transformations and to realize our vision.

Team spirit.
High standards.


Values embodied daily by our teams, at sea and on land.


Values that will enable us to achieve our ambitions!


Values that reflect the BOURBON culture.


Values that are an essential part of the group’s management commitments



This means relishing challenges and stretching ourselves, in order to build a sustainable future it is also about…

Acting as an entrepreneur ready to take the initiative and adopt a positive mindset, in a complex and changeable environment.

Having the ability to push back limits, question our beliefs and learn from our errors (test and fail).



The ability to cooperate together allows us to make the difference, to improve our collective performance and to deliver our ambition It is also about…

Placing mutual respect at the very foundation of our daily interactions and welcoming individual and cultural differences.

Always listening to each other, being mutually supportive and able to adapt.

Putting collective achievement before individual achievement.



Striving to achieve the highest standards means aiming for excellence in all our actions and giving our best in everything we deliver to stakeholders (clients, employees, partners, suppliers), in accordance with established rules. It is also about…

Being precise at every level of our actions, on a daily basis.

Acting with integrity and making the right decision at the right time, while bearing risk control constantly in mind.

Delivering when we commit.

Our Behaviours

These values are associated to 5 behaviours. Behaviours are the way you do things & interact with each other, they are the concrete way of living the values day to day.
These ones are the ones we want to enhance to work efficiently together and achieve our goals:


This implies strict observance of correct working methods and established rules and processes. It also means being ..

disciplined. We strive always to be accurate and clear and to deliver on time. We are able to analyze information objectively and summarize it. We are careful to always follow through on actions, taking them to their conclusion.


It is vital to take an interest in others, be open to their requests and ask the right questions, so  as to understand..

their expectations and reach a shared solution. We therefore cultivate availability, respect and the ability both to take other people’s opinions into account and to question oneself.


We encourage entrepreneurship, initiative and proactivity. This requires having the courage and confidence to..

put forward new ideas. We dare to express innovative concepts and to initiate new projects. We accept our mistakes and always try again, with new determination


Everyone must ensure that everyone has the right level of information and skills to take the responsibility that is..
required of them, while respecting each other’s scope of responsibility. Decision-making and responsibility are taken at the level closest to the action.


Transparent communication is essential for building sustainable relationships, whether it be transparency..

of information, transparency of processes or transparency of decisions. Information must be exhaustive, targeted and adapted to the people involved.